Posts Tagged
Precious Blood parish
God’s Garden

God’s Garden, on the grounds of St. Paul Church in the St. Gaspar Family of Parishes, is about community. First and foremost, it grows fresh vegetables for local food pantries to distribute to those in need. But it is also about bringing volunteers together from local parishes, connecting them with …
Out and About in the Archdiocese for November

1) St. Mary Elementary Reunion On Aug. 12, the St. Mary Alumni Association held an all class reunion. The event started with Mass, followed by a tour of the church, a display of parish and school memorabilia in the school building and a catered meal in Beckmeyer Hall. Approximately 170 …
Obituary: Father Eugene Schnipke CPPS

Fr. Eugene Schnipke, C.PP.S., died of natural causes at Mercer County Community Hospital, Coldwater, Ohio, on Thursday, March 17, 2022. He was transported there from St. Charles Center, Carthagena, Ohio, where he was recovering from a recent surgery. He was 68. He was born on September 10, 1953, in Lima, …
Looking Back: Memorial Day storm damage in Dayton a year ago

by John Stegeman Catholic News Service DAYTON, Ohio (CNS) — Although Queen of Martyrs Catholic Church in Dayton sustained significant damage from the May 27 tornadoes that swept through the southwestern region of the state, a statue of Mary on the property remained standing next to the ruined bell …
Couple in sync in marriage and music
By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph It was Bonnie and Skip Ekhart’s love for liturgical music that first brought them together, and for more than 20 years, the couple has been sharing their gifts at Precious Blood Parish in Dayton. Bonnie serves as the director of music and liturgy …