Posts Tagged
rite of baptism
Godparent Guide

Requirements to be a Catholic Godparent: “Each child may have a godfather and a godmother, the word ‘godparents’ is used in the rite to describe both.” (Rite of Baptism for Children 6) Only one godparent is necessary. The godparent must be a fully initiated Catholic (Baptized, Confirmed, received Eucharist), at …
40 Baptisms

by Rebekah Davidson On Dec. 15, 2024, Deacon Kevin LeMelle celebrated his 40th administration of baptism since being ordained a transitional deacon on April 27, 2024. The baptism took place at St. Brigid Church in Xenia, where he served his internship. “I was praying leading up to my ordination, and …
Vatican: Baptisms administered ‘in name of the community’ are invalid

by Hannah Brockhaus Vatican City, Aug 6, 2020 / 04:03 am MT (CNA).- The Vatican’s doctrinal office issued Thursday a clarification on the sacrament of baptism, stating changes to the formula to emphasize community participation are not permitted. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith responded to a question …
Vatican orders slight change in text for baptism

By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — To emphasis that the sacrament of baptism formally brings a person into the church of God and not just into a local Christian community, the Vatican has ordered a slight change of wording in the baptismal rite.