Posts Tagged
St. Joseph Wapakoneta
Visit a Model of the Eucharistic Revival

by Matt Hess The Church in the U.S. is experiencing a national Eucharistic revival—a time to reflect more deeply on who we encounter and receive at Mass. While it’s a national movement, it starts in our local parishes, through prayer and education. The visit of a relic of Blessed Carlo …
Jubilarians 2019: Precious Blood Sisters celebrate jubilees of religious life

75 years Sister Charlene Heidenreich Sister Charlene (M. Charles) Heidenreich grew up as a member of Holy Family and St. Mary parishes in Dayton and graduated from Precious Blood High School — the Congregation’s former school also known as Fatima Hall — in Dayton. She spent nearly four decades in …
St. Joseph Wapakoneta celebrates 175th anniversary

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Though no longer a stand-alone parish, St. Joseph in Wapakoneta is among the oldest Catholic communities in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. The parish hosted a 175th anniversary Mass on April 27 with Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr celebrating. A supper took place after Mass and …