Posts Tagged
St. Michael Archangel
April 8: Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord

The Solemnity of the Annunciation celebrates the coming of the Angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary to announce to her the special mission God had chosen for her in being the mother of His only son. We are continually reminded of the importance of this feast to our salvation in …
The three great archangels of the Bible: Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael

By Daniel Payne Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Sep 29, 2023 / 04:00 am Many Catholics can, at the drop of a hat, recite the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel — the famous petition to that venerable saint to “defend us in battle” and “cast into hell Satan.” In the culture of …
People of Faith: Gary DeFosse

On Saturday mornings Gary DeFosse, 82, visits his local YMCA. Three times a week he swims or lifts, and he presently serves as a lifeguard. “The Y doesn’t have as many lifeguards as they need, so I volunteered,” he said. “They said my age doesn’t matter if I can complete …
Two Catholic movies back in theaters for encores after stellar showings

by Joe Bukuras Boston, Mass., Oct 12, 2022 / 11:45 am Two new Catholic movies that debuted in theaters in September and October are coming back to the big screen for encores by popular demand. American moviegoers will be able to see “Saint Michael: Meet the Angel” in theaters Oct. …
CatholicVote to hold St. Michael novena in defense of churches, pregnancy centers

by Katie Yoder Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Sep 10, 2022 / 03:30 am CatholicVote is inviting Christians nationwide to pray a novena asking for St. Michael’s intercession amid the growing number of attacks targeting churches and pro-life pregnancy centers in the United States. “As Catholics, before we go to the polls, …
St. Michael the Archangel is the protector of the capital of Ukraine. Here’s why

by Francesca Pollio Fenton Kyiv, Ukraine, Mar 4, 2022 / 10:10 am A statue of Saint Michael the Archangel stands in the center of Kyiv with a shield and a sword and as the protector of the capital of Ukraine and the entire country, now threatened by the invasion of …
Pastor says priest ‘misspoke’ when he alleged Cardinal Cupich stopped public prayers after Mass

by Joe Bukuras Chicago, Ill., Aug 28, 2021 / 16:00 pm An Illinois priest has alleged that Cardinal Blase Cupich, Archbishop of Chicago, ordered him to cease praying the Prayer to St. Michael and the Hail Mary publicly after Mass, but the church’s pastor says the allegation is not true. …
Pope Francis: Pray the rosary daily for Church’s protection from Satan

Vatican City, Sep 29, 2018 / 08:23 am (CNA).- Pope Francis has asked all Catholics to pray the rosary daily during the month of October, asking Mary and St. Michael the Archangel to intercede for the protection of the Church in a moment of “spiritual turbulence.” A Sept. 29 statement …