Posts Tagged
twinning parishes
Rwandan Partnership

For current and former parishioners of Holy Angels Church in Dayton, the idea to share love and compassion with people overseas sprouted when the parish’s Twinning Committee formed in 2012. Committee members then decided on a twinning relationship with a parish in Rwanda. “There are Holy Angels parishioners who are …
To Russia with Love

by Matt Hess Bill Fuller, Missions Committee President at Holy Angels in Sidney, knows that while things have been less active the past year and half due to the pandemic, the committee who coordinates the parish’s mission twinning efforts is ready to get their parish excited again to help their …
Global Solidarity: Versailles Communities Support Indigenous People Across the Globe

by Susie Bergman Twinning allows parish communities to connect the commonality of our faith across borders, various ethnicities and socioeconomic backgrounds. These relationships allow parishes from all over the globe to embrace and grow deeper in their understanding of Christ through virtual and in-person development. For more than a decade, …
UPDATE: Dominica, profiled in the “Telegraph,” an island in need

Editor’s note: Our October issue featured an article highlighting the twinning relationship between three parishes in the archdiocese with parishes in Dominica. Shortly after we went to press, the island was ravaged by the most powerful hurricane in its history. Its twinning partners are committed to aiding in Dominica’s recovery …