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So You’re a Brand New Godparent? Now What?

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by Katie Sciba

Congratulations! You’re a brand new godparent to a brand-new Catholic! From here on out, you have a duty to nurture and cultivate the Catholic faith in the heart of your godchild. It’s a big undertaking and can be one of the most significant roles you’ll ever have!

Know Your Role
With the glorious sacrament on the horizon, it’s time to nail down what a godparent actually does. While it’s a tremendous honor to be asked to be godparents, it’s really about how you can serve and nurture the Christian life in your godchild. According to the Rite of Baptism, it’s the duty of godparents to help the parents in “their Christian duty” to the baptized child, in bringing them up to know the Catholic faith and live it well.

Prayers All Around
Your job is a spiritual one, so make praying for your godchild part of your regular prayer. Add them to your intentions at Mass, offer a Divine Mercy chaplet or a Rosary and mention them by name in spontaneous prayers. Since you’re charged with helping your godchild’s parents, cover them in prayer as well – raising faithful children is no small task, and they will need prayer.
While you’re at it, pray for yourself as well – that you’ll have an intimate relationship with Jesus, live with wisdom and joy, thereby setting a good example for your godchild.

Be Present
Maybe you were already a member of the family, but if not, consider yourself part of the clan now. Baptism is only the beginning. Be involved in your godchild’s life. Know his/her strengths, joys and sorrows so you can not only pray for these things, but also offer Christ-centered wisdom and guidance. Additionally, give your godchild your personal faith experiences so they have concrete examples of the ups and downs of fighting the good fight.

The Perfect Gifts
Mark your godchild’s baptismal anniversary on the calendar and make it a big deal annually. Give your godchild a rosary and/or a Catholic Bible and take him/her to Mass, which is the source and summit of our faith. Purchase a Nativity scene and give your godchild one piece each year for baptismal anniversaries; frame a Bible verse for his/her room. To hit it out of
the park, contact your godchild’s parish to have a Mass offered for him/her on the day.

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