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Katie Sciba

My 14-year-old son, Liam, fixed his eyes on mine and tearfully choked out, “Mom I want to go home.” On the surface, his comment made no sense. We had just returned home the day before from Tennessee, where Liam got to visit his long-distance best friend. I never saw that …

FIRST PLACE Best Book Review Section Kenneth Craycraft, Fr. Kyle Schnippel, Matt Swaim, Fr. Jacob Lindle and Margaret Swensen SECOND PLACE Best Photograph – Sacramental Being Christ to Others Danny Schneible Best Reporting on Vocations to Priesthood, Religious Life or Diaconate The Long and Winding Road Patricia McGeever THIRD PLACE  …

There’s nothing mainstream about the Christian life. Our culture indulges in sexuality, gluttony, moral relativism and self- servitude, without giving much of a glance to its own inherent dignity and worth. Society loves stuff and uses people instead of the other way around, and success is often gauged by dollars …

I was a brand new speaker preparing a talk that I had struggled to put together for over a year. There I sat, tapping my pencil on another blank sheet of paper next to a growing pile of crumpled up ideas. I was out of time. In just a couple …

I remember the moment I realized my mother was a person. It’s a strange thing to say; but prior to my twenties, my mom more closely resembled a resource. I could turn to her with my needs, confident she would have the solution. As a mother, she gave; and as …

We had the windows open, letting a delightful breeze flow through our new house. I was surrounded by boxes in the living room as my kids ran around the yard with new friends. I took a break from unpacking to watch my daughter, Jane, building fairy houses out of twigs …

For years I’ve moonlighted as a minimalist consultant, guiding clients as they simplify their possessions and demands on their time. Talking about simplicity makes me bubble over with enthusiasm, as when you share a life-changing book or a crowd- pleasing recipe. You’ve found something so good that it’s hard not …

When my husband and I started a family, I was hopeful we could live differently from the status quo, more reflective of love and peace. There will always be work, laundry, dinnertime and taking care of each other; but it’s easy to lose sight of the point in these routine …

by Katie Sciba Congratulations! You’re a brand new godparent to a brand-new Catholic! From here on out, you have a duty to nurture and cultivate the Catholic faith in the heart of your godchild. It’s a big undertaking and can be one of the most significant roles you’ll ever have! …

My birthday is coming up this month. I love my birthday and make a point to have a great time with family. We have living room dance parties, I grab lunch with my mom and maybe go antiquing with friends. Coffee and donuts are always involved. Whatever the agenda, the …