Live Tweets: Marriage supporters expected to gather outside courthouse today

Staff Report
Today, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, based in Cincinnati, will review challenges to laws upholding traditional marriage in four states — Ohio, Kentucky, Michigan and Tennessee. The court will review all the cases together.
Supporters of traditional marriage are expected to gather outside the courthouse from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m., today. The Potter Stewart Courthouse is located at 200 East Fifth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202.
The Catholic Telegraph will live tweet the scene outside the courthouse. The tweets can be followed here, or on Twitter itself.
In a statement released at the beginning of the week, Archbishop of Cincinnati Dennis M. Schnurr urged prayer for the court, that it will act correctly to uphold traditional marriage.
“The law in our state was a constitutional amendment strongly supported by Ohio’s bishops in 2004, and for good reason,” Archbishop Schnurr wrote. “Traditional marriage, the union of one man and one woman for life, is the cradle of the family, which is the basic building block of society.”
Supporters of so-called same-sex marriage rallied Tuesday night at Lytle Park in downtown Cincinnati. The Cincinnati Enquirer reported 700 in attendance, noting organizers had hoped for 1,000. Same-sex marriage supporters have a rally scheduled for today as well on Fountain Square.
Read Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr’s statement and prayer here.
Posted Aug. 6, 2014