Posts Tagged
Amazing Parish
Your Parish Needs a Discipleship Pathway

Have you ever tried getting somewhere new without a map? Before Google Maps, when you needed directions, you either traced the route on a printed map, or you asked for directions. Even today, if your phone dies, you run out of data or you’re outside cell service, you have to …
Contagiously Catholic: Lessons in Parish Leadership from the Cincinnati Reds

By Sean Ater – The game of baseball is a great analogy for an evangelizing parish. We love the analogy so much that we built our evangelization process around the analogy. One analogy that we can make between baseball and an evangelizing parish has to do with the critical role …
Amazing Parish strengthens, energizes faith communities

Parish teams and Catholic leaders from across the country, including the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, gathered in Atlanta March 13 to 15 to learn how parishes can become healthier. Nearly 1,100 people attended the conference offered by the Denver-based organization, Amazing Parish, and featuring Mass and prayer, team sessions, presentations and …