Posts Tagged
Catholic Literature
Finding Truth in Fiction: The Importance of Literature for Life

In August 2024, Pope Francis promulgated his Letter on the Role of Literature in Formation. He explains that he wrote the letter to promote “the value of reading novels and poems as part of one’s path to personal maturity.” Reading fiction, the Holy Father argues, “can help us weather the …
Book Review: 100 Great Catholic Poems

Award-winning poet and Catholic convert Sally Read has crafted a lively new Catholic poetry anthology. It is no coincidence that nearly a third of the poets included in this volume were converts. As Read writes in her introduction: I knew the Church’s rightness as I witnessed its liturgy and prayer. …
Journeys Revealed

With humble, raw reverence and a hint of quiet confidence, Julia Monnin clutches her morning cup of coffee, prepared to share her journey. It’s a journey full of self-doubt, personal reflection and grace. A journey that led to the publication of her first book and the eventual formation of Journeys …