Posts Tagged
Friars at the mall
Franciscan Friars discontinue mall ministry

A ministry some called an experiment in new evangelization has ended after a successful two-year run. For the past two years the Cincinnati-Based Franciscan Friars of the St. John the Baptist Province staffed a storefront in Cincinnati’s Northgate Mall from Black Friday through Christmas Eve, selling nothing and providing a …
Franciscans initiate Peace Prayer Challenge

Staff Report Franciscan Friars of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati continue to staff their ministry of presence at a storefront in Cincinnati’s Northgate Mall and in conjunction with that effort, they’re building momentum for a new online viral challenge. Dubbed the Peace Prayer Challenge, the act is simple. The Friars are …
Friars to return for Northgate Mall ministry

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Last year the Franciscan Friars of the St. John the Baptist province took up a prime retail spot in a major area mall during the Christmas shopping season and didn’t sell one thing. This year, the Friars’ popular “ministry of presence” will return, bringing …