Posts Tagged
Holy Rosary
Praying the Steps at Holy Cross Immaculata on Good Friday

Praying the Steps at Holy Cross – Immaculata Parish on March 29, 2024 . Where do I start the steps? There are three phases of the Good Friday steps. The most popular phase begins on St. Gregory and ends at Holy Cross-Immaculata Church – Phase One: from Riverside Drive (at …
Legion for Life

It started with a trip to Kettering for prayer. Legion of Mary ladies from Holy Rosary Church in St. Marys, OH, traveled with a group to pray at an abortion clinic in the spring of 2018. Teresa Vint, a Legion member, recalls that fateful April day when the Elizabeth New …
The holy rosary, a spiritual weapon that lights hearts on fire

by Daniel Ibañez Rome Newsroom, Oct 9, 2022 / 08:00 am October is the month of the rosary. Catholics around the world are encouraged to join in praying the rosary daily to honor the Virgin Mary. On Oct. 7, Catholics celebrate the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. It …
The rosary: common myths and facts

by Edie Heipel Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Oct 1, 2022 / 02:00 am October is designated by the Catholic Church as the “Month of the Rosary.” Here are seven common myths and facts about this devotion to Our Lady. Only Catholics can pray the rosary. False. While rosaries are typically associated with …
‘The Atlantic’ publishes article on the rosary as symbol of far-right, violent extremism

by Zelda Caldwell Washington D.C., Aug 15, 2022 / 16:06 pm An article published Sunday in The Atlantic magazine suggests the rosary has become a symbol of violent, right-wing extremism in the United States. The article set off a frenzy of reactions among Catholics, ranging from amusement to grave concern over what …
Skills for Life

It’s been two years since my initial visit to Holy Rosary School in St. Mary’s, the only school between Lima and Dayton that has an Academic and Behavioral Learning Enrichment (ABLE) environment that is fully integrated into standardized learning classrooms. It was initially launched by Principal Lori Krugh when the …
The Rosary in 2 Minutes

So, if you want to try praying the Rosary, where do you start? Busted Halo’s new 2-minute video has you covered. Learn about the history and tradition of the Rosary, how to pray, what it means to meditate on the Mysteries of the Rosary, and more!
A Personal Touch

When Teresa Harshbarger created a rosary for her niece’s wedding 18 years ago, little did she dream she was answering a call. “The day I showed it to my mom, she very quietly said, ‘I have a feeling you’re going to be making lots of rosaries.’” To Harshbarger’s surprise, one …
Rosary Men

The average person spends a third of their life at work. For a believer in Jesus, time at work isn’t supposed to be time out from faith. Rosary Men is a movement, founded by Joe Kruessel, Todd Uterstaedt and Michael Whelan, to bring faith into the workplace. The idea is …
Basilica Chosen by the Holy See to Lead Worldwide Rosary to Pray for an End to the Pandemic

Monday, May 17 at 12 pm ET/6 pm in Rome – Faithful Invited to Join In-Person or Online The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception has been chosen by the Holy See to lead the worldwide recitation of the Rosary on Monday, May 17, at 12 noon …