Posts Tagged
June 2023
The Power of Your Personal Pentecost

When I was a kid, my favorite cartoon was He-Man. Whenever danger was near, he thrust his sword into the air, yelled “I have the POWER!” and became the Master of the Universe. I thought that was the greatest thing ever. As I got older, this theme of “power” continually …
Let Earth Be the Boss: Keeping Family Farms Alive

Precious Blood Brother Nick Renner has been a farmer for 60 years. He’s toiled on the land owned by the Missionaries of the Precious Blood in Mercer County, Ohio and he’s seen a lot changes. “When I was a kid, I’d say 50 percent of people were farming, and now …
Did you Know? Saint Andrew the Apostle, Milford

1840 Catholic families first hosted visiting priests to celebrate Masses in their homes and barns. 1853 Milford became a mission of St. Mary’s Church in Hillsboro. Made a parish in 1854, Father Philip Foley became its first resident pastor in 1855. 1865 Original church built on Elm and Water Streets …
An Invitation to Feast

Food has a way of bringing people together. When we cook family recipes or certain dishes for a holiday, it leads us to reminisce about those we love. For Kayla Axe, food enables her to get in touch with our larger, heavenly, Catholic family: the Communion of Saints. She finds …
Q & A with Rita Heikenfeld

Well-known for her contributions about the Bible and food on Sacred Heart Radio, Rita Heikenfeld has been a consistent on-air presence over the years. She also writes on food and faith for multiple publications and shares recipes and anecdotes on her blog, About Eating ( Tell us a little bit …
Out and About for June 2023

1) Fixer Uppers in Xenia Lou Schnorr (right) teams up with Bill Berner to fix equipment at St. Brigid Church in Xenia. Schnorr and Berner are part of a volunteer group that meets Wednesdays to help maintain assets at St. Brigid. 2) Way of the Cross at Miami U Father …
Sharing Food and Sipping Bourbon

In John 2, we learn of Jesus’ miracle during the wedding at Cana— turning water into wine. To praise Jesus’ works, Dave Averion and about 20 other Catholic men are putting a modern twist on this Scripture. “We have all read about the wedding at Cana where Jesus kept the …
Ember Day: A Time for Discernment

BY KARY ELLEN BERGER Do you know what God has in store for you? Are we doing enough? Are we doing what He has called us to do? Young adults both ponder these questions for themselves and are often asked them by others. For young men discerning whether priesthood is …
Food Creates Opportunities

Many consider me an adventurous eater. When I find something unique or out of the ordinary on a menu, I am always curious to try it. And while I didn’t cook much growing up, I stepped out of my comfort zone in college and seminary to do it more. As …
Book Review: Dining with the Saints

The saints are alive and present to us; they desire to be with us and to accompany us on our pilgrimage through this vale of tears. Yet they often feel distant, in part because we have lost that sense of mystery in our world. As a friend often says, when …