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Mark Danis

Deacon Mr. David Doseck with parents John and Teresa preparing for Ordination 2017 (Ct Photo/Greg Hartman)
by Mark Danis Father David Doseck remembers knowing as a child that Jesus Christ was a real person. He also knew Jesus loved him. Today, encountering love is the heart of this busy priest’s lifelong vocation. Father Doseck is the Pastor of St. Mary Church in Camden, St. John Church …

by Mark Danis There is a lexicon evolving in our nation’s response to COVID-19 that the Church must reject. Terms like quarantine, isolation and social distancing can lead us to retreat, withdrawal and avoidance. But Christ’s words demand a proactive response to our current situation. We must take this time …

by Mark Danis COVID-19 is waging war on humanity. Our individual responsibility to respond might cause some to recall a question from a young girl to her father in 1915, ironically, just before the 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic. “Daddy, what did YOU do in the Great War?” Twenty years from …

by Mark Danis Jalen* opened one eye to see his younger sister sleeping on the cot next to him. He, his mother and his little sister came to live at the St. Vincent de Paul shelter after his mother’s new boyfriend began treating them badly. Jalen turned and looked at …