Posts Tagged

Patricia McGeever

FIRST PLACE Best Book Review Section Kenneth Craycraft, Fr. Kyle Schnippel, Matt Swaim, Fr. Jacob Lindle and Margaret Swensen SECOND PLACE Best Photograph – Sacramental Being Christ to Others Danny Schneible Best Reporting on Vocations to Priesthood, Religious Life or Diaconate The Long and Winding Road Patricia McGeever THIRD PLACE  …

by Patricia McGeever Newly ordained Father Jonathan Jergens’ road to the priesthood wound through two war zones during a 13-year military career. As a teen in Miamisburg, he strongly desired to enlist in the Army after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. “Initially, I planned on serving four years and …

by Patricia McGeever “Mr. Rogers has always been one of my heroes,” said Bonecutter. “His whole message was spreading love and kindness throughout the world.” 143 was Mr. Rogers’ code for the phrase “I love you,” each numeral being the number of letters in each word of the phrase. Bonecutter’s …

by Patricia McGeever This past Christmas, 10-year-old Colton Forsee’s life changed. A special present under the tree made it possible for him to do what other children his age get to do: ride a bike. “He immediately got on the bike in the living room and rode it down the …

BY PATRICIA MCGEEVER An Ohio teacher is changing the lives of students on two continents. A math teacher at DePaul Cristo Rey High School (DPCR) in Cincinnati, Julie Rentz also runs a sponsorship program for students more than 8,000 miles away—in the east African nation of Tanzania. Her interest there …

by Patircia McGeever On a rainy Friday night in March, nearly 500 people gathered in Mater Dei Chapel at Mount St. Joseph University to watch a free screening of the movie At the End of the Santa Fe Trail. It depicts key moments in the life of legendary Sister of …

by Patricia McGeever More than 374,000 people in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati are living in poverty, many living paycheck to paycheck or relying on Social Security, and stretching those dollars to pay for the basics: housing, utilities and food. They find extra help at Catholic Charities Food for All drive-thru …

When Generra England learned she was pregnant, she was just about to begin her senior year of high school. “I had a lot of people in my ear saying, ‘You’re not going to succeed. You’re not going [to] do this, you’re not going to [do] that. [You’re] going [to] be …

A symbol of international friendship that is on display at Wilmington College was hand delivered by a delegation who traveled more than 11,000 miles from Nagasaki, Japan. It’s a wooden replica of a cross recovered from Nagasaki’s Urakami Cathedral after an atomic bomb destroyed the church during World War II. …

by Patricia McGeever Wait-listed last year for her fall college semester, Maria DeRoo asked God what she should do with this newfound time. The answer landed her in a women’s prison as a volunteer with the Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s prison ministry. “It’s been a very humbling place to go and …