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Patricia McGeever

    This article appeared in the August 2021 edition of The Catholic Telegraph Magazine. For your complimentary subscription, click here.

Words on a page are like flowers in a garden. They can blossom into a thing of beauty. When they come from the pen of poet, Dr. Manuel Iris, they can create a bouquet of love and light. He recently released his sixth book of poetry, The Parting Present/Lo Que …

Holy, heroic, brave and bold: all words that describe the Sister of Charity of Cincinnati who could become Cincinnati’s first saint. Servant of God Sister Blandina Segale spent most of her life in Cincinnati but the Archdiocese of Santa Fe claims her as its own, too, and took the action …

Chaminade-Julienne High School Senior Volunteers with her Mother at Food for the Journey. Volunteers are like gold to a nonprofit agency. When they find one willing to take on the work that needs to be done, they’ve found a treasure. That would describe Maria Emmerich, 18, a senior at Chaminade …

by Patricia McGeever This school year is anything but normal for students across the archdiocese. Masks are part of the new uniform and kids are forced to keep their distance from each other. For the students who attend one parish school in Price Hill, the changes are even greater. Their …

by Patti McGeever As millions of people voiced their outrage over the death of George Floyd by marching and protesting, one man spoke volumes by standing still. Kevin Bonecutter, husband, father of two, church usher and Hamilton County Probation Officer, stood up for justice, peace, equality and respect for all …

By Patricia McGeever For The Catholic Telegraph Catholic grade schools that want to boost their enrollments can take a page out of the lesson book used by St. Clement in St. Bernard. For years, the school on Vine Street was in danger of closing as attendance dwindled. But slowly and …

The Newman Center at the University of Cincinnati is based at St. Monica-St. George parish in Clifton. (CT PHOTO/John Stegeman)
September 2013 By Patricia McGeever For The Catholic Telegraph  Stepping foot on a college campus can be intimidating for freshman, especially a campus the size of the University of Cincinnati. That’s why different student groups and organizations pull out all the stops to greet, welcome and hopefully make a lasting …

Father Joseph Bruemmer, left, and internationally known singer Tacji Cameron. (CT PHOTO/Patricia McGeever)
September 2013 By Patricia McGeever For The Catholic Telegraph  Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center in Norwood is a place that continues to evolve. Once a seminary, the campus is now a place for retreats, education and prayer for the public as well as clergy. Formerly Mount St. Mary’s …

From the May 2013 print edition of The Catholic Telegraph By Patricia McGeever For The Catholic Telegraph A nursing home, originally built to care for infirm Franciscan Sisters of the Poor in 1971, will be razed this summer because the cost to upgrade it is too high. The building, now …