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Patricia McGeever

A symbol of international friendship that is on display at Wilmington College was hand delivered by a delegation who traveled more than 11,000 miles from Nagasaki, Japan. It’s a wooden replica of a cross recovered from Nagasaki’s Urakami Cathedral after an atomic bomb destroyed the church during World War II. …

by Patricia McGeever Wait-listed last year for her fall college semester, Maria DeRoo asked God what she should do with this newfound time. The answer landed her in a women’s prison as a volunteer with the Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s prison ministry. “It’s been a very humbling place to go and …

By Patricia McGeever Bryce McBee was just a baby when his parents noticed he wasn’t hitting developmental milestones, walking and talking were both delayed. At age two, he was diagnosed with Autism, and his parents, Kim and Jaime McBee, started along the path of parents with a special needs child. …

A record number of freshmen at Cincinnati’s Catholic high schools this fall will come from the city’s inner-city Catholic grade schools. In disadvantaged neighborhoods, they are supported by the Catholic Inner-City Schools Education Fund (CISE) whose mission is to help children out of poverty by providing quality education. This year, …

In Amanda Ocariz’s language arts class at Mother Teresa Catholic Elementary School in Liberty Township, students learn what it means to be an upstander. “The bystander is someone who stands by and watches. The upstander stands up and does something,” said Ocariz. The books her seventh and eighth graders read …

by Patricia McGeever Although Steve Hatke’s career as an electrical engineer did not prepare him to work with people experiencing homelessness, he has dedicated his retirement to helping those looking for a chance to change their lives. “For me, it was a huge step out of my comfort zone because …

On a sunny, breezy November morning, as the leaves floated from the trees, the children at St. Bernadette School in Amelia were told they are called to be heroes. “Living good, holy lives of service is heroic,” said Father Tim Ralston at their weekly all-school Mass. The message delivered from …

Planting a garden that attracts bees, drinking fair trade coffee and using refillable water bottles are simple ways to live and practice our Catholic faith. In his encyclical, Laudato si, Pope Francis calls all of us to take better care of our “common home,” and Laudato si high schools are …

by Patricia McGeever Alan Millhouse has all the interests of a typical teenager. He plays second base on his baseball team. He plays basketball, soccer and the drums. Math is his favorite subject. He has a girlfriend, loves XBOX, and is starting his sophomore in high school. Alan, 17, also …

In an intensive care unit at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center (UCMC), there are 10 beds where some of the most critically injured patients are treated. They are in the hospital’s Burn Center. Among those caring for them is a young, newly-minted nurse who says she wants to bring …