Posts Tagged
race relations
Reflections on the role of the Cathedral during the Tulsa Race Massacre and today

by Eastern Oklahoma Catholic Tulsa, Okla., Jun 1, 2021 / 19:00 pm At the end of May, our local community commemorated the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa Race Massacre. Sparked by the false accusation that a young black man had sexually assaulted a white woman, the racial violence that unfolded …
Priest sees Ferguson as ground zero where change can be made in society
By Dave Luecking Catholic News Service ST. LOUIS — The destruction throughout Ferguson left Blessed Teresa of Calcutta parishioner and former mayor Brian Fletcher speechless. “My heart is broken,” he wrote in an email. “Words can’t describe the near destruction of our beloved city of Ferguson.” Hours after the Nov. …
Reject ‘false hope’ of violence, archbishop implores after Ferguson ruling
By Matt Hadro CNA/EWTN News FERGUSON, MO. — The Archbishop of St. Louis rejected violent responses to a grand jury’s decision not to indict a Ferguson police officer who killed a teenager, asking instead for prayer and action to solve underlying community problems. “Since the grand jury received the case …
Issues that prompted March on Washington not yet solved, bishops say
By Catholic News Service WASHINGTON (CNS) — The issues that prompted the March on Washington 50 years ago have yet to be fully solved, said a 50th anniversary statement on the march issued by the U.S. bishops’ Committee on Cultural Diversity in the Church.