Posts Tagged
St. Charles Borromeo
St. Charles Borromeo: Patron saint of stomach ailments, dieting — and obesity?

by Jonah McKeown St. Louis, Mo., Nov 4, 2022 / 06:00 am St. Charles Borromeo, whose feast day the Catholic Church celebrates Nov. 4, was a cardinal and a prominent teacher of the Catholic faith. He generously donated much of his considerable wealth to charity, and sacrificed his own health …
November 4: St. Charles Borromeo

No age of the Catholic Church’s history is without its share of confusion and corruption. Still, even in moments when disorder may seem overwhelming, individuals and movements eventually arise to propose the faith with clarity and demonstrate it in action. St. Charles Borromeo, a central figure in the Council of …
Catholic group receives grant to restore historic California mission

b Perry West Monterey, Calif., Mar 7, 2021 / 02:01 pm MT (CNA).- A Catholic group has received a large grant to restore one of the oldest California missions and to provide a place for tourists to examine the state’s religious and cultural history. In February, Carmel Mission Foundation received …
Maria Stein Shrine to set out the relic of St. Charles Borremeo for continual veneration.

Maria Stein Shrine: As of this moment, many of their events have been postponed or cancelled. Check their website Event Calendar and visit their Facebook page for the most current information. The Shrine, Chapels and Gift Shop will remain open. The Shrine has set out the relic of St. Charles …
St. Charles Borromeo Bible Camp celebrates 25th anniversary

By Erin Schurenburg Thirty five years ago, when native Ohioans Joanie and Thomas Burkhardt moved to California with their four young children, aged 3 to 9 years old, Bible Camp at their new parish of St. Hedwig was the first church event they experienced. The fellowship of the camp enveloped …
Busca al Señor por el Arzobispo Dennis M. Schnurr

Estamos a mitad de la Cuaresma, y las tiendas a están ofreciendo dulces de Pascua y ventas de ropa de Pascua. Esto es natural. Todos queremos saltarnos la muerte y llegar a la resurrección. Quizás ese deseo es aún más fuerte en tiempos difíciles. Y estamos viviendo en tiempos difíciles. …
Lenten almsgiving at St. Charles Borromeo targets Dayton charities

St. Charles Borromeo Parish in Kettering is donating goods to two local charities for its Lenten almsgiving: the pantry in the Biltmore Towers for seniors and the Brunner Literacy Center for adult learning. The charities have provided St. Charles with a list of needed items. Parishioners are bringing them to …
Catholic Schools Week Mass Dayton and Northern Region [Photos]

Students and staff from the Dayton area and northern parts of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati gathered Feb. 3 at St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church in Kettering for the annual Catholic Schools Week Masss. Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Binzer was the celebrant. A Catholic Schools Week Mass for the Cincinnati area was celebrated …
St. Charles Borromeo celebrates 50 years
By Maggie Collins For The Catholic Telegraph St. Charles Borromeo Parish in Kettering celebrated a jubilee year from October 2011 to October 2012. The major theme of the year was one of gratitude to God for the many blessings received over the 50 years of the parish’s existence. Established on …