Posts Tagged
Stephen T. Badin High School
Badin High School Stadium project kicks off ; ‘game-changing’ facility should open for 2025

“Building a Brighter Badin” began in earnest today with the official groundbreaking ceremony for the Lanni Family Stadium at Matandy Sports Complex. “This is a day we have been waiting for at Badin High School for nearly 60 years – the opportunity to have our own stadium,” Badin President Brian …
All Catholic school baseball showcase coming to Xenia

By John Stegeman Six of Ohio’s top high school baseball programs will participate in a season-opening showcase March 23 at the Athletes in Action Sports Complex in Xenia. The event features exclusively Catholic high schools, a celebrity speaker and Mass. Mike Hoendorf, the showcase’s director and founder, is a long-time …
Ben Paulus From Anglican Priest to Catholic Educator

Paulus was blessed to grow up in a family that had a love for Christ. His parents were part of the Charismatic Movement, and his father pastored a small nondenominational church. They passed on that love of the Lord as they moved from Virginia to Croatia and back. “My family …
Supporting Teen Mothers

“I became involved in YoungLives because I have always loved interacting with young kids,” said Badin senior Annie Nguyen. “I also realized that I didn’t have a lot of knowledge on teen pregnancy or the hardships of it and thought that volunteering at YoungLives would be a good way to …
JJ, Grace & Liam Teens Radiate Christ

In searching for those carrying out the mission of Jesus, look no further than Stephen T. Badin High School in Hamilton. There, you’ll find seniors Liam Connaughton, JJ Even and Grace Warner. All three credit their Catholic faith for helping guide their mission of sharing Christ’s love and service with …
School News: Badin’s Harris earns first place award in annual Middletown art exhibition

Badin High School junior Paige Harris earned a first place award and four other BHS students received honors in the annual “Tomorrow’s Artists Today” competition at the Middletown Arts Center. In all, 23 Badin artists had 41 pieces of artwork juried into the annual exhibition in Middletown. “This is always …
Badin High School set to celebrate 50th annual Catholic Schools Week

Badin High School will celebrate the 50th annual Catholic Schools Week beginning Jan. 30 as an opportunity to emphasize the value of Catholic education. “Faith plays such an important role in what we do every day,” said Mrs. Gina Helms, Badin’s director of Campus Ministry, “but this is always a …
Paul Zimmerman named Badin’s ‘Educator of the Excellence’ in annual Wilks ‘Hamilton Celebrates Education’ program

Check a student list of favorite teachers at Badin High School, and the name of Mr. Paul Zimmerman is a fixture on it. Zimmerman, now in his 38th year teaching Social Studies at Badin, was recognized as the school’s 2022 Educator of Excellence through the Harry T. Wilks “Hamilton Celebrates …
School News: Badin High’s Case Trokhan named National Merit Scholarship semifinalist

Badin High School senior Case Trokhan pronounced herself “very excited” … and why not? Trokhan has been named a National Merit Scholarship semifinalist – one of less than one percent of American high school seniors to earn that prestigious designation. “I look at it as the culmination of a lot …
School News: Badin High staff adds mental health professional

Looking after the needs of students is Job One at Badin High School, and Lauren Rosenberger will be joining the BHS staff in order to help enhance that effort. Rosenberger, a 2005 graduate of Badin, is a mental health professional affiliated with Catalyst Counseling, which specializes in mental health services …