Posts Tagged
Throwback Thursday
McDonald’s Filet-o-Fish history tied to Cincinnati Catholics

Staff Report Lent is a penitential season for Catholics preparing to mark the observance of Christ’s death on the cross, and on Easter his resurrection from the dead. For business owners, Lent is just part of the first financial quarter. For today’s Throwback Thursday, we go back to the late-1950s …
Throwback Thursday: Abraham Lincoln’s Proclamation of Thanksgiving Day

Though not in the printed edition of The Catholic Telegraph which was in its 32nd year, below is the text of President Lincoln’s Thanksgiving Proclamation: By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation The year that is drawing toward its close has been filled with the blessings …
The Tuesday before Christmas: A look back at December 2018

In Today’s Video we look at December 2018 in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Our crew went to St. Francis Seraph’s live Nativity, Moerlein Center’s Naitvity displays, Lessons and Carols at the Athenaeum, The Rorate Mass at Old St. Mary’s, The Christmas Gift store at St. Vincent DePaul Society, The Elder-Seton …
Throwback Thursday: Lifting things up to the Lord, The Kissell Family

From EWTN News Nightly, May 6, 2020 Carson Kissell is a remarkable young man. Despite the fact he suffers from a very painful skin condition called Epidermolysis Bullosa, he always has a smile on his face and has great faith. Carson also broadcasts live on Facebook every day, praying the …
Throwback Thursday: Opening Day 2019

Today was supposed to be MLB’s Opening Day. The Parade would start at Noon, and the Cincinnati Reds hosting the St. Louis Cardinals at 4:10 p.m.. The Forecast for today is amazing, partly to mostly cloudy, temps in the low 70’s! Life has changed for all of us, so patience …
Throwback Thursday Photo Essay Special: A look back at McNicholas Rockets First Night Game

On Friday, August 24, 2018, the McNicholas Rockets hosted their first night game.
Throwback Thursday: Brother Casey Cole visits St. Monica-St. George

Last year, then Brother Casey Cole made a stop in Cincinnati on his Mission Tour. He spoke at a two-night mission at the Clifton church. A highlight from that misson: Brother Casey wrapped up his mission talk by comparing this to the whole process of aging: No matter how hard …
Throwback Thursday: A look back at last year’s Abide Conference

Each year, youth from across the Archdiocese of Cincinnati gather for a week retreat named Abide. This “full immersion” experience conference gives our young women and men an opportunity to learn what it means to be a missionary disciple of Jesus Christ. At the end of the gathering they journey …
Throwback Thursday: Maria Stein Shrine Country Fest

Last year the CT squad headed to the Maria Stein Shrine for their annual CountryFest! Check out the images below: For more on this year’s Maria Stein Shrine Festival and others in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, click here
Throwback Thursday: Remembering Mother of Mercy High School

Mother of Mercy High School celebrated and said good-bye on June 2, 2018 with Mass, school tours, live music on the lawn, great food and of course fellowship and friendship, some of those decades old. Here’s a video of walking through the school, and saying good-bye one last time.