Posts Tagged
April 2016
Ghanaians host Year of Mercy sojourn

The fourth in a series of Year of Mercy sojourns was held Mar. 13. The Mission Office is collaborating with several other Catholic communities in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati over the coming Year of Mercy to host monthly sojourns. The goal is to highlight the various Catholic cultural communities and …
Catholic TV chef has cooked for two popes

For Lidia Bastianich food is about family, making connections and celebrating life. The Emmy-award winning host of “Lidia’s Kitchen,” best selling author and restaurateur has made her mark on the cooking scene, while remaining true to her roots and firm in her faith. Bastianich, an Italian born Catholic, who escaped …
Local Missionaries of Mercy reflect on marching orders from pope

Roughly 800 priests accepted a mission from the Holy Father in January. They became Missionaries of Mercy during the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy, which runs through Nov. 20 of this year. On Ash Wednesday (Feb. 10), the majority of those missionaries gathered in Rome before Pope Francis to be …
God wants total abandonment, body and soul, to His will

I don’t know how many people are like me. I consider myself a fairly good listener and have always been ready with what I have considered pretty good advice. I certainly have had my fair share of times when I have given bad advice as well, but good or bad, …
Pastoral Council hears upbeat financial report at March meeting

The Archdiocesan Pastoral Council continued to discuss revision of its bylaws and membership parameters at its regular meeting March 5 at the Bartlett Center on the campus of the Athenaeum of Ohio. However, the commission first heard an upbeat report on the archdiocese’s finances from its own oversight committee and …
Theology of the Body curriculum to be introduced at archdiocesan schools

Students in Lisa Fletcher’s seventh and eighth grade religion classes at St. Margaret of York School in Loveland earn the grades, but their parents get an education, too. The topics range from learning about Jesus as a human being, to what should you do if someone sexts you. The class …
Tools for savvy millennial faithful citizenship

It’s one of those infamous dinnertime phone calls. “Hello, Steffen, this is Travis at Marketing Research Associates. You’ve been identified as an opinion leader and we value your opinions. I would like to ask you a few questions.” If you’re a registered voter and have a landline listed in one …
Archbishop Schnurr: CRS collection serves needs around world

The following letter from Archbishop of Cincinnati Dennis M. Schnurr first appeared in the April 2016 print edition of The Catholic Telegraph. “Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The Archdiocese of Cincinnati will be taking up The Catholic Relief Services Collection on April 9 and 10. This collection funds six …
April CT has interview with world-renowned chef, and more

The April 2016 print edition of The Catholic Telegraph begins hitting mailboxes this week and among the issue’s high points is an exclusive interview with world-renowned chef Lidia Bastianich. Ursuline Sister Eileen Connelly secured the interview with Bastianich to talk about the Emmy-award-winning TV chefs experience cooking for two different pontiffs …