Posts Tagged
Hurricane Maria
Holy Angels Outreach Committee brings love worldwide

By Sharon Semanie When musical artist Jackie DeShannon recorded the lyrics to “What The World Needs Now Is Love” in 1965, she couldn’t have envisioned that a tenacious group of women in Shelby County would put those words into action decades later. An estimated 100 women from the Holy Angels …
When disaster and devastation strikes: A 1 minute video of our Brothers and Sisters in Puerto Rico

Though it’s been several weeks since devastating hurricanes swept through the United States, and the Caribbean, our brothers and sisters in Puerto Rico face a harrowing road to recovery. Here’s a minute video from Catholic News Service.
President of U.S. Bishops Conference Statement on Hurricane Maria

WASHINGTON—Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo of Galveston-Houston, President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, has issued the following statement on the impact of Hurricane Maria. The storm has devastated Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and Dominica. Now downgraded to Category-3 winds, the storm is expected to bring more …
Ways to contribute to Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Irma or Hurricane Maria Relief

Neighbor helping neighbor. Father Enrique Camacho, executive director of Caritas Puerto Rico, took to the air via a National Guard of Puerto Rico helicopter and delivered food, water, solar lamps, batteries and other supplies to the main office of Catholic Charities of the U.S. Virgin Islands (CCVI) on St. Thomas. …
CRS Preparing to Respond to Hurricane Maria

BALTIMORE, MD, September 18, 2017 – Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is preparing to respond to Hurricane Maria, a Category 5 storm headed for many of the same Caribbean islands already devastated by Hurricane Irma. Working with Caritas Antilles, CRS staff are on the ground in Tortola, a British Virgin Island …