Posts Tagged
Opening day
Throwback Thursday: Opening Day 2019

Today was supposed to be MLB’s Opening Day. The Parade would start at Noon, and the Cincinnati Reds hosting the St. Louis Cardinals at 4:10 p.m.. The Forecast for today is amazing, partly to mostly cloudy, temps in the low 70’s! Life has changed for all of us, so patience …
Great American Ballpark to Sell Fish During Rescheduled Opening Day

With Reds Opening Day now moved to Good Friday, the team’s COO has a suggestion for Catholics frustrated by a second day known for extravagant eating and drinking coinciding a fast day (remember Feb. 14 – Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday?). “We’ve got a couple of religious holidays on Friday,” …
Catholic groups on display as Cincinnati celebrates Opening Day

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph While certainly not a holy day and technically not even a holiday, Opening Day for the Cincinnati Reds is a big deal to the city of Cincinnati. Just as historic as the Reds and the games themselves is the Findlay Market Opening Day Parade, …
On ‘The Mighty Casey,’ and the renewal of a new papacy
“The outlook wasn’t brilliant for the Mudville nine that day: The score stood four to two, with but one inning more to play.” Just about any baseball fan or English major is familiar with those famous lines from the Ernest Lawrence Thayer poem Casey at the Bat. The poem resonated …