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April 2023

World War II was a generational event that touched every family in the country, and for years people have shared its stories. Tipp City resident Ken Serey is the latest author to preserve this fading part of the historical record, living memory, with What’s the Story: Your Ohio Neighbors Share …

In English, the word “suffer” has at least two different but related meanings, both of which are important for contemplating how suffering affects our spiritual and moral development. In the first, suffering imposes itself upon us, against our will or consent. In the second sense, we consent to suffering as …

Whenever I think of Mary’s joy, I’m instantly reminded of the Joyful Mysteries: the Annunciation, Visitation, Birth of Jesus, Presentation in the Temple and Finding Jesus in the Temple. As I meditated on these events, however, I noticed a pattern: her joyful moments were also surrounded by suffering. This is, …

But they urged him strongly, saying, “Stay with us, because it is almost evening, and the day is now nearly over.” So he went in to stay with them (Lk. 24:29). The two disciples’ request for Jesus to remain with them when they arrived at Emmaus was the theme of …

It was 11 a.m. on a Saturday morning and our son, Carson, was starting to wake up. As a 15-year-old teenage boy, he slept late every now and then, but that Saturday morning was different. Carson had been dealing with a severe eye abrasion, like a paper cut, from three …

People who struggle with depression and anxiety walk around casually carrying emotional wounds that if they were physical would probably require emergency surgery! Yet, they often act as if they are not injured. Somehow this feels easier than acknowledging the reality of the wound. Perhaps because deep down there is …

1) Donations from Saint Ursula Academy This year’s DRIVE (Donate, Respond, Invest, Value, Educate) at Saint Ursula Academy benefited the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Students collected nutritious, shelf- stable food, laundry detergent, and cleaning supplies for our neighbors in need. 2) Science Fair Winners at Lehman Lehman Catholic …

I have had to face many trials; however, my greatest suffering came from the one I brought upon myself, when I took the life of my own child. A senior in high school with an unplanned pregnancy, I believed the lie that if I had an abortion, my parents would …

When I homeschooled my children, I came across proposals for curricula that indicated boys could pursue ideas (abstract thinking, maybe STEM and carpentry), while girls should only be trained up for domestic roles (the domestic arts and devotional religion). I always asked myself: Don’t women have minds too, and shouldn’t …

Holy Name (Mt. Auburn) Holy Name Church in Mt. Auburn’s spare interior looks tranquil at first glance, but is dominated by apocalyptic imagery and Scripture passages emphasizing the awesome glory and power of God. 1904 Holy Name parish founded in Mt. Auburn; originally located in a large house 1906 Construction …