Posts Tagged
Digital media
Lights, Camera, Elder!

Real World Broadcasting Experience in the Classroom!! By Kary Ellen Berger It’s a Friday night as you tune into a high school football or basketball game. One might expect such a broadcast from a local news station, but this is the ENN—Elder News Network. Established at Elder High School in …
Keeping the Faithful in the Loop

by Matt Hess The Lord’s final mandate to His disciples before the Ascension was to preach the Gospel to all the world. To do this today, followers of Jesus are called to be communicators, passing on the faith through word and deed. Not everyone is called to this professionally, but …
‘Rosary in a Year’ podcast is No. 1 on Apple charts

By Francesca Pollio Fenton CNA Staff, Jan 3, 2025 / 14:50 pm Ascension’s latest podcast, “The Rosary in a Year,” topped the Apple Podcast charts after its release on Jan. 1. The latest “In a Year” podcast landed ahead of other popular podcasts including “The Joe Rogan Experience,” “Dateline,” and “The …
Pope Francis: Witness to the truth by exposing ‘fake news’

Vatican City, Jan 23, 2021 / 04:15 am MT (CNA).- Pope Francis issued a new warning about misinformation on Saturday, weeks after he was the subject of a viral “fake news” story. Writing in his World Communications Day message, released on Jan. 23, the pope said that “the risk of …
Editor’s Note: Let’s Get Digital

I admit it, I am a die-hard fan of print media. From the time I was a small child, I loved to hold on to books and dive into the stories that awaited me inside their pages. To this day, I love picking up a magazine, a library book, a …
Vatican promotes ‘smart rosary,’ selling for $109

Vatican City, Oct 15, 2019 / 09:44 am (CNA).- The Vatican promoted the launch of a ‘smart rosary’ bracelet Tuesday compatible with an iOS and Android app, which costs over $100. “In a world of indifference and in the face of so many injustices, poverty, elementary rights denied, praying for …
Catholic University students vote to block porn

By Christine Rousselle Washington D.C., Apr 5, 2019 / 02:20 pm (CNA).- Students at The Catholic University of America have asked the administration to ban the top 200 pornography websites from its internet system. The call came in a petition and resolution passed by the university’s Student Government Association and …
Telegraph Archives Online: Helpful tool, fun research stop for students of history

Curious about what was on the minds of Cincinnati Catholics June 8, 1831? You can read an ode to spring by Barry Cornwall. And if you are curious about what a man named O’Quinn was doing running for Mayor of Pau, France, in 1861, just turn to page 6 of …
Stuff Luke Carey found: Reddit

Reddit. A microcosm of the internet if there ever was one. Reddit is the seventh most viewed website in America and the twenty-second most viewed site in the world. 525 million unique visitors peruse Reddit each month. Reddit can be about anything. Literally anything. I’d be curious to know how …
Stegeman appointed New Media Editor
Staff Report John Stegeman, most recently a reporter for The Catholic Telegraph, has been named New Media Editor for the Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr approved the appointment effective July 31, according to CT Editor and General Manager, Steve Trosley.