Posts Tagged
November 2014
Divorce ministry reaches out to help Catholics heal

By Walt Schaefer For The Catholic Telegraph Divorce devastates people and Catholics are particularly affected. About 18 years, ago Tom Fagan, a member of Emmanuel Parish in Dayton, experienced divorce “and, at that time, there was nothing out there to help me” through those difficult days.
Cincinnati Mayor visits students at DePaul Cristo Rey High
By Margee Garbach For The Catholic Telegraph “I’m looking at the future leaders of this city,” Cincinnati Mayor John Cranley told DePaul Cristo Rey High School students in his first official visit to the school. Cranley’s speech to students was part of the school’s Founders Day Celebration on Sept. 25, …
Special intention Mass offerings covered by Canon Law
Dear Father: How is a priest to handle a request for a Mass to be said for an intention from a lay person? I understand a donation is not necessary but usually accepted. Is it covered in the Catechism? Dear Reader: The Code of Canon Law answers your question, especially …
Infant’s death leads to unique ministry for parents

By Walt Schaefer For The Catholic Telegraph The death of an infant has led to the birth of a ministry. A birth normally prompts a family celebration but at times things go wrong. Some infants are stillborn, others survive less than a year because of congenital problems. Ava Diehl was …
Mother and grandmother recalls journey to religious life

By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph As a young girl growing up in Mexico City, Sister of Notre Dame de Namur Cristina Garces dreamt of becoming a doctor and a missionary, of traveling the world to help others in need. She came to realize, though, that her plan wasn’t …
Family Life: Offer thanks, honor saints & prepare for end of the year
This image originally appeared in the November 2014 print edition of The Catholic Telegraph.
Jubilarians Part 1 (2014)
Editor’s note: The staff of The Catholic Telegraph wishes to express our gratitude to the following women and men religious celebrating jubilees in 2014 for their steadfast faith and dedicated service to the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. These bios., along with photos, were published in the November 2014 print edition of …
Doctor/deacon honored with humanitarian award
By Walt Scaefer For The Catholic Telegraph Dr. Marc Alexander learned his philosophy for life from his days at Elder High School. A big part of what is instilled in Elder students is to share one’s talents and blessings with others. Many people think he goes far beyond the call. …