Posts Tagged
st. john the baptist Harrison
Family Embarked on Spiritual Journey

Benjamin Knoop, a recent graduate from LaSalle High School, embarked on a transformative pilgrimage in March that deepened his faith and solidified his spiritual foundation. He and his family visited several sacred sites in Austria that brought profound moments of spiritual reflection. “My family’s pilgrimage to Austria in March 2024 …
Harrison resident makes commitment as Providence Associate

Harrison resident Linda Doyle recently deepened her relationship with the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana. On Saturday, Oct. 21, Linda made a commitment as a Providence Associate, joining 19 other 2023 associates choosing to walk more closely with the Sisters of Providence. Providence Associates are women and men …
Scholarships in Soyapango

article by KARY ELLEN BERGER | photos DEACON DON MEYER In El Salvador, nearly 3,000 miles from Cincinnati, is a municipality called Soyapango. While few people locally have heard of it, many from that community know of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. More precisely, they know of St. John the Baptist …
2019 Spirit of Sister Dorothy Stang Awards

These awards honor the works of Sister Dorothy Stang, who went to Brazil nearly 50 years ago along with four other Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. In 1966, the sisters established a new convent at Coroatá in the state of Maranhão. As the sisters learned about the oppression of …
Catholic in Recovery Traveling the Road to Healing and Salvation

By Rebecca Sontag For Us Men and Our Salvation Rock bottom” sometimes comes halfway up a towering mountain under a wide-open blue sky in Wyoming. That’s where Jill Bischoff was when she pulled her car over to the side of the road that late-Friday afternoon in 1996. She had heard …
Tradition Meets Modernity at the New St. John the Baptist Church

Story by Lisa Biedenbach • Photos by E.L. Hubbard How to marry the tradition of an established church in downtown Harrison with a new worship space to be built on nearby farmland was a daunting challenge,” said Father Jeff Kemper, pastor of St. John the Baptist Church, who took part in …
From Field to Dreams to new church: St. John the Baptist, Harrison

By Walt Schaefer Since 2003, St. John the Baptist Church in Harrison has had its own field of dreams. That’s when Father Edward Shine purchased 26 acres of former farmland near the intersection of New Haven and Carolina Trace Roads, preparing for parish growth in a part of far …
Jubilarians 2018: Oldenburg Franciscans

80 years Sister Irvin Marie Kreimer Sister Irvin entered the Sisters of St. Francis on September 8, 1938 from St. Leo Parish, Cincinnati, and made final vows on August 12, 1944. She taught in the archdiocese at St. Aloysius School, Sayler Park; St. Peter School, Chillicothe; St. Peter School, Hamilton; …
Archdiocese to mark Oct. 14 canonization of Blessed Oscar Romero

When the canonization ceremony for Blessed Oscar Romero, Archbishop of San Salvador, is held in Rome on Oct. 14, Catholics in the archdiocese will be among those celebrating. Archbishop Romero, an outspoken advocate for the poor, was shot and killed March 24, 1980, as he celebrated Mass in a hospital …
Meet Alexander Witt to be Ordained May 20, 2017

Alexander T. Witt Family: Father: Michael L. Witt (computer software engineer); Mother: Jennifer A. Witt (d. 2016) (psychiatric nurse); Sisters: Laura, Anna; Brother: Broderick Parish: St. John the Baptist, Harrison, Ohio. Schooling: K-2: St. Margaret Mary, North College Hill 3-8: St. John the Baptist, Harrison, Ohio High School: Oldenburg Academy …