Posts Tagged
St. Xavier High School
St. Xavier High School Receives Largest Gift in School History

St. Xavier alumnus Harry Fath ’59 and his wife, Linda, have committed a $50 million gift designated towards tuition assistance. This is the largest gift in St. Xavier’s history and is the lead gift for the $200 million St. Xavier High School 200-year anniversary campaign. Mr. Fath recounts his days …
Care for Creation

Planting a garden that attracts bees, drinking fair trade coffee and using refillable water bottles are simple ways to live and practice our Catholic faith. In his encyclical, Laudato si, Pope Francis calls all of us to take better care of our “common home,” and Laudato si high schools are …

CINCINNATI, September 30, 2021 – St. Vincent de Paul, the Greater Catholic League (GCL) South Division and Skyline Chili are teaming up to help tackle hunger in Greater Cincinnati through two food drives, happening at rivalry football games over the next two weekends. Non-perishable food items will be collected during …
Who’s Who?

Who (or what) are all our Catholic high schools named after, anyway? Here’s a quick guide to the names of the archdiocesan and independent Catholic high schools in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati: Archbishop Alter High School, Dayton Named for Karl Joseph Alter, fifth archbishop of Cincinnati, the school opened in …
St. X’s Mothers Club
Mothers Club leaders, Cindy Sizemore and Kate Feldman, have done an outstanding job of adjusting traditions during COVID-19. The club has offered new social and spiritual opportunities to its members, while continuing to serve the St. Xavier High School (St. X) community. Mothers Club members created packets for each Freshman …
Dan Lynch Named New Principal

Feb 10 2021 St. Xavier High School announces the appointment of Dan Lynch to the role of Principal for the 2021-2022 school year. Mr. Lynch will complete his current duties as Mathematics department chair and President of the St. Xavier Faculty Association and transition to Principal on July 1, 2021. …
Saint Xavier High School “Virtual” Christmas Concert!

Enjoy the Saint Xavier High School Band “Virtual” Christmas Concert! Concert Band Christmas 2020 from St. Xavier on Vimeo.
Obituary: Father Matthew Gamber S.J.

Father Matthew T. Gamber S.J. age 61, passed away Oct.16, 2020 in Cincinnati, OH. Beloved son of Ruth Ann (nee Henneman) Gamber; preceded in death by his father Mark J. and brother Lawrence M. Gamber. Dear brother of Mark (MaryJo), William (Linda), Mary Margaret, Robert (Suzan) Gamber, and sister-in-law Carol …
Serving Beyond Borders: St. Xavier Students Continue to Reach Out to Those in Need

by Ellen Gormley In 2019, St. Xavier High School students served on 12 mission trips around the U.S. and Costa Rica. While COVID-19 led to the cancellation of all 2020 summer mission trips, students and community service director, J.K. Klaiber, continue to innovate in creating service opportunities for students. Students …
St Xavier High School students helping the community during pandemic

Working at a grocery store, St. Xavier High School senior, Alex Van Pee ’21 has noticed that grocery prices are rising, “Even the people who didn’t need help before are starting to need help from pantries and shelters. It really can happen to anybody.” Thursday, June 12th, cars began lining …