Posts Tagged
Stephen Badin High School
JJ, Grace & Liam Teens Radiate Christ

In searching for those carrying out the mission of Jesus, look no further than Stephen T. Badin High School in Hamilton. There, you’ll find seniors Liam Connaughton, JJ Even and Grace Warner. All three credit their Catholic faith for helping guide their mission of sharing Christ’s love and service with …
Out and About in the Archdiocese for March 2023

1) Respect Life Award Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr presented the 2022 Respect Life Award to Denise “Dennie” Stieritz on Jan. 15. A a longtime volunteer for Dayton Right to Life and educator at Carroll High, Stieritz has impacted thousands of students and adults through her pro-life witness and advocacy. 2) …
School News: Badin High staff adds mental health professional

Looking after the needs of students is Job One at Badin High School, and Lauren Rosenberger will be joining the BHS staff in order to help enhance that effort. Rosenberger, a 2005 graduate of Badin, is a mental health professional affiliated with Catalyst Counseling, which specializes in mental health services …
On the Cutting Edge

For more than half a century, the only Catholic high school in Butler County has made a name for itself with its students, faith life, focus on technology and “Ramily.” What is “Ramily?” Brian Pendergest, Badin High School Principal, and Dirk Q. Allen, Director of Admissions and Media Relations, explain …
‘Cheaters’ offer up a serious topic in January one-act at Badin High

Cheating in the science class will have significant consequences if the students can’t get to the bottom of it in the one-act ensemble drama, “Cheaters,” set for Friday and Saturday, Jan. 22 and 23, at Badin High School. The performance will be live on the Little Theatre stage at 7 …
Badin High will implement drug testing of students

Badin High School will implement mandatory drug tests for all students beginning in January 2020, school officials have announced. “This is in the best interests of the students,” Badin High Principal Brian Pendergest said. “The impact of drug use on young students and their families is staggering and our community …
Obituary: Sister Alma Grollig, SNDdeN

Cincinnati OH – November 7, 2019 – Sister of Notre Dame de Namur Alma Grollig (formerly Jeanne Thérèse), died October 20, 2019 in Cincinnati, OH, at the age of 87. A native of Cincinnati, OH, she was in her 68th year of religious life. Sister Alma taught grades three through …
Mid Summer in the Archdiocese: Badin High School Leadership Camp

Members of the Scholar Leader Academy at Badin High School enjoyed a retreat at Pleasant Vineyard Camp in Camden in early July. The SLA students are top academic performers who are targeted for leadership opportunities during their BHS careers.
Meet Rudy – Badin’s first four-legged faculty member

There will be a third member of the Badin High School guidance department starting this week … and she will belong to the whole school. Rudy, a black multigenerational Australian labradoodle therapy dog, will be a welcome presence at Badin as she becomes a valuable member of the Badin Family. …
Photo Essay: Remembering victims of gun violence

Students in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati participated in National Walkout Day to pray for the victims and to an end of gun violence.