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In 1997, Pope John Paul II instituted a day of prayer for women and men in the consecrated life.  In Vita Consecrata, Pope John Paul II describes various forms of the consecrated life:  the monastic life in the East and West, the Order of Virgins, Institutes completely devoted to contemplation, …

By Sister Victoria Vondenberger  On Aug. 4, the Sisters of Mercy welcomed Phuong (pronounced “Fong”) Mai Dong as a candidate for the Mercy South Central Community. About 60 Mercy Sisters, Associates and some of her family members attended the prayer service in Cincinnati at McAuley Convent. Phuong, 22, is a …

Sisters, brothers and priests from throughout the archdiocese who celebrated jubilees in 2012 came together for an annual Mass in their honor at Mount Notre Dame in Cincinnati Oct. 27. Eighty-four jubilarians were invited to participate in the Mass and lunch that followed, and 32 were able to do so. …

Friday, June 11, 2010 ARCHDIOCESE — Three Andrew Dinners, events for young men to hear a presentation by Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr on vocations, have been scheduled for this fall: Oct. 13 at Holy Trinity Parish in Coldwater; Oct. 20 in Cincinnati; and Nov. 3 at Incarnation Parish in Centerville.