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July 2021 Edition
Journeys Revealed

With humble, raw reverence and a hint of quiet confidence, Julia Monnin clutches her morning cup of coffee, prepared to share her journey. It’s a journey full of self-doubt, personal reflection and grace. A journey that led to the publication of her first book and the eventual formation of Journeys …
Seize the Moment: That time we joined a pagan homeschool Co-Op

“I think we should join this pagan homeschool co-op.” Those are words you don’t hear every day. Yet, sure enough, about two years ago my wife made that announcement from the other end of the house. Sufficiently derailed from my work in the office, I joined her in the living …
St. Vincent Ferrer celebrating 75 years in Kenwood

St. Vincent Ferrer celebrating 75 years in Kenwood by Eileen Connelly St. Vincent Ferrer Parish in Kenwood was the site of a joyous celebration June 6, as the faith community marked its 75th anniversary. Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr presided at the anniversary Mass, with Fathers Dennis Jaspers, pastor, and …
Seek the Lord by Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr July 2021

We all know the old expression “charity begins at home.” So does faith. One of the greatest responsibilities Catholic parents have is to pass the faith on to their children, primarily by example. This is what is meant by calling the family the “domestic church,” as many popes and Church …
Being Pro Life: Helping People Overcome Drug Addiction

According to a report by the American Addiction Center, 38 percent of adults battled an illicit drug abuse disorder in 2017, and drug addiction cost American society more than $740 billion annually in lost workplace productivity, healthcare expense and crime-related costs. Addiction is a huge problem for many, and we …
A Personal Touch

When Teresa Harshbarger created a rosary for her niece’s wedding 18 years ago, little did she dream she was answering a call. “The day I showed it to my mom, she very quietly said, ‘I have a feeling you’re going to be making lots of rosaries.’” To Harshbarger’s surprise, one …
BUSCA AL SEÑOR: Arzobispo Dennis M. Schnurr mes de julio

Todos conocemos la vieja expresión “la caridad comienza en casa”. También la fe. Una de las mayores responsabilidades que tienen los padres Católicos es transmitir la fe a sus hijos, principalmente con el ejemplo. Esto es lo que se entiende cuando se llama a la familia la “iglesia doméstica”, como …
Editor’s Note: Walk by the Light of Christ

This issue of The Catholic Telegraph focuses on “faith firsts.” What does that mean, exactly? Faith firsts are those moments in our lives when we encounter some part of our faith for the very first time. What is a “faith first” for you? Was it the moment you were baptized, …