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July 2021 Edition
The Importance of Marian Consecration

The idea of consecrating oneself to Mary, or to “Jesus through Mary,” seems to be growing in popularity among Catholics. Why is this and what does it mean? Although Catholics throughout the centuries have been consecrating themselves to the Blessed Mother, it began to grow in popularity under the pontificate …
Taking First Faith Steps

When it comes to sharing and teaching the Catholic faith, two minds are better than one and, in this case, two hearts are better than one. That’s because Josh and Laura Kiger have a true love for sharing their faith as they help others prepare for their own life-long Catholic …
Final Word: Friendship with God Through Prayer

When I think about my dearest friends, I recall friendships that began in grade school, my first years of teaching and my marriage. These friendships are ones that have lasted through happy and sorrowful times and shared experiences. These are people I know I can count on because they have …
Heaven’s Gain

After losing their fifth, ninth and tenth babies at different gestations, Jim and Donna Murpy felt called to serve families suffering the loss of a baby. Together, they founded Heaven’s Gain Ministries in Cincinnati. Heaven’s Gain Ministries nationally (HGM) helps families before, during, and after the birth of their baby. …
Did you know? Holy Family Dayton

Written by Gail Finke, Illustrated by Emma Cassani • 24 decorative knotwork squares between the flat beamed ceiling • 3 rose windows installed, with all the windows crafted between 1936 and 1941 • 12 stained glass clerestory windows in the apse featuring angels based on the paintings of Fra Angelico …
Question of Faith: Holy Water at Home?

When I was young, we kept holy water in a small font at the entrance to our bedrooms. What is the origin of the practice? Can we still use holy water in our homes? When entering a church building, we reflexively sign ourselves with holy water. In doing so, we …
Mind & Soul: What is “Theology of the Body”?

This article is the start of an extended series in which I will reflect on, explain, and apply Pope St. John Paul II’s “Theology of the Body” to contemporary issues. Have you heard of “Theology of the Body?” This term has gotten quite a bit of attention in Catholic circles …
Fostering Community on Campus

The four years young people spend in college are critical not only in the formation of who they became as they enter into the adult world, but also who they become as they mature in their Catholic faith. That’s why Father Ethan Moore is so committed to Catholic campus ministry. …
fostering a community spirit

Pictures of ladies at church bazaars and Knights of Columbus marching in a parade are common images of Catholic life. Through the centuries, parishes and local communities have created groups to enliven the faith life of its members. With the influx of immigrants in the 19th Century, parishes grew quickly. …