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Eight Admitted to Candidacy for Holy Orders at seminary

Eight men were accepted by Archbishop of Cincinnati Dennis M. Schnurr as candidates for Holy Orders in a ceremony at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary Dec. 8. The men publically declared their commitment to a program of formation for service to God and to the Catholic Church as ordained ministers on …
Lords’ call louder than worlds’

You’ve probably heard some variation of the expression “He could sell ice to Alaskans.” As a young man, Father Jason Bedel sold ice so successfully that his corporate future look assured. He began work at Home City Ice Co. as a student at Xavier University. “I started as a delivery …
Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur celebrate 175 years of US service

By Walt Schaefer For The Catholic Telegraph In 1804, Julie Billiart had a meeting with the Bishop of Amiens, France, when she told him of her vision to create a religious order of women educators who would serve worldwide. The bishop and the sister were not in agreement. The bishop …
Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati profess first vows

Press Release Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati Andrea Koverman and Tracy Kemme pronounced first vows during a ceremony June 27 in the Immaculate Conception Chapel at the Mount St. Joseph motherhouse. Both women professed the vows of poverty, consecrated celibacy and obedience, committing themselves “for three years to the service …
Q&A: Priests find peace and joy through their vocations

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph To be Catholic priest is a calling fraught with challenges, but it is also one that, through the grace of God, many find peace and joy. Nov. 1-7 is National Vocation Awareness Week. The Catholic Telegraph spoke with Fathers Leonard Kostka, Todd Grogan and …
How one US archdiocese is revamping its marriage prep program
By Kevin Jones CNA/EWTN News NEW ORLEANS, La. — Aiming to provide uniform spiritual and social support for engaged couples, the Archdiocese of New Orleans has made several changes to its marriage preparation process. “It’s such a beautiful way for parishes to serve the people who are approaching marriage,” said Father Garrett …
Archdiocese to hold Holy Hour for vocations

Press Release The Archdiocese of Cincinnati will hold a Holy Hour for Vocations on Wednesday, Nov. 4 from 7 to 8 p.m. at more than 20 parishes across the archdiocese. Even more parishes will open their doors for Holy Hours on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday of the same week. A …
Vocation office releases new video on college seminary life

Staff Report Late last month the Vocations Office of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati released a new video depicting the life of seminarians discerning their call to the priesthood in college seminary at Bishop Simon Brute in Indianapolis and the Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus. See the full video below Men …
Religious on the run for peace, justice and vocations

Report Religious life is alive and well in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. For the second year in a row, women religious in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati donned their running (or walking) shoes for a good cause. Fifteen sisters from different congregations participated in the recent Flying Pig Marathon for Team …